How to Create Extended Data Types (EDTs) in Finance and Operations of Dynamics 365 -- F&O Customization Part 2
For Creating Extended Data Types (EDTs) in Finance and Operations of Dynamics 365 follow the following steps:
Step # 1:
Right-click on the project to Add -> New Items as shown in the figure;
When you click the New Item, the new window is open as shown in the figure;
Select the Data Types from the Side Bar and click on the Add button as shown in the figure;
Step # 2:
Now right click on the EDT and select the Properties as shown in the figure;
When you click the Properties button, the left panel is open, you can set the properties of EDT here, mostly used properties are Label and Help Test.
I have created four EDTs as shown in the figure;
You can check the EDTs in the Application Object Tree (AOT) as shown in the figure;
If you did not find the EDTs in the AOT then right-click on the project and go to Properties and set the Synchronize Database on Build to True as shown in the figure;
After this, right-click on the project and rebuild the project. The EDTs are shown in the AOT.