
Showing posts from January, 2023

Create custom Batch job without parameters in D365 X++

 For creating the batch job without parameters in D365 X++ via SysOpertion Framework, Follow the following steps; 1- First Create a menu action button in the project 2-Create an extension of menu and add menu button to the Menu. 3- Create a ABCBatchContract Contract class as shown below; [DataContract,SysOperationContractProcessing(classStr(SysOperationAutomaticUIBuilder))] /// <summary> /// Create getter setter for query /// </summary> public class ABCBatchContract {      } 4- Create ABCBatchController Controller Class as shown below; /// <summary /// Inventory Blocking batch controller class /// </summary> public  class ABCBatchController extends SysOperationServiceController {     /// <summary>     /// Run the Service Opeeration class action     /// </summary>     protected void new()     {         super(classStr(ABCBatchService),methodStr(ABCBatchService...

Create custom workflow in D365 X++

 For the creation of Custom Workflow in Dynamics 365 F&O, Kindly follow the following steps; 1. Create a custom Enum WorkflowStatus or you can use an existing one.   2. Create a new table EmployeeLeave as defined below and add the above Enum as a field and name it LeaveStatus . 3. Create a new form EmployeeLeaveForm by using the above table as a data source.   4. Create a new Display Menu Item EmployeeLeaveForm for the above form and add to any  Module by creating an extension of the Module Menu from the application Explorer. 5. Create a new Query EmployeeLeaveQuery  and add  EmployeeLeave as a data source.                 6. Create a new Workflow Category EmployeeLeaveCategory .   7. Create a new workflow type EmployeeLeaveWorkflowType .   • Category: Select the workflow category from the previous step • Query: Select the query created for the document table • Document menu item: Sel...

Convert amount from one currency to another currency using X++

  You can use the following X++ code snippet for currency amount conversion.     CurrencyExchangeHelper currencyExchangeHelper;     AmountMst amountMST;     CurrencyCode FromCurrency =  'PKR';     AmountCur amountCur = 5000;     currencyExchangeHelper = CurrencyExchangeHelper::newExchangeDate(Ledger::current(), systemDateGet());     amountMST =  currencyExchangeHelper.calculateCurrencyToCurrency(fromCurrency, SLDFabCostSheetsCalculation.Currency,amountCur,true);        info(strFmt("%1", amountMST));

How to Create Number Sequence in the D365 X++ ?

 If  you want to create the number sequence in the D365 X++, Kindly follow the following steps: 1- Create a Project of D365 F&O with your model as shown below, 2- Create an Extended Data Type (EDTs) in the Project. 3- Now create a class of number sequence as shown below code; protected void loadModule()     {         NumberSeqDatatype datatype = NumberSeqDatatype::construct();         datatype.parmDatatypeId(extendedTypeNum( EDTs ));         datatype.parmReferenceHelp(literalStr("Unique key used for the  Id."));         datatype.parmWizardIsContinuous(false);         datatype.parmWizardIsManual(NoYes::No);                 dataType.parmWizardHighest(999999);         datatype.parmWizardIsChangeDownAllowed(NoYes::No);         datatype.parmWizardIsChangeUpAllowed(NoYes::No); ...