How to Create Number Sequence in the D365 X++ ?

 If  you want to create the number sequence in the D365 X++, Kindly follow the following steps:

1- Create a Project of D365 F&O with your model as shown below,

2- Create an Extended Data Type (EDTs) in the Project.

3- Now create a class of number sequence as shown below code;

protected void loadModule()


        NumberSeqDatatype datatype = NumberSeqDatatype::construct();


        datatype.parmReferenceHelp(literalStr("Unique key used for the  Id."));







        datatype.addParameterType(NumberSeqParameterType::DataArea, true, false);



    public NumberSeqModule numberSeqModule()


        return NumberSeqModule::Cust;



    static void buildModulesMapSubsciber(Map numberSeqModuleNamesMap)


        NumberSeqGlobal::addModuleToMap(classnum(main class name), numberSeqModuleNamesMap);


4- Call the above class in the main method or via the menu button as shown below;

 public static void main(Args _args)


        mainclassname mainclassname = new mainclassname ();

        mainclassname .load();


5- Now build and synchronize the project.

6- Go to the front-end site of F&O and run the class.

7- Go to account receivable parameters and go to the number sequence tab in the Account receivable module.

8- In the Number Sequence tab, Your EDTs are shown at the last.

9- Set the Number Sequence Code to your Number sequence.

10- Now you can use these EDTs as a number sequence on any form.

If you have any ambiguity or confusion, Kindly drop a message. We always welcome you to help with this. 


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