Create a Simple React App in the Visual Studio Code.
For Creating a Simple React App in the Visual Studio Code. Please follow the following steps;
Install the Node.js on the Computer. For installing the Node.js click on the below link.
Step 2:
Install the Visual Studio Code on the computer.
Step 3:
Open the Visual Studio Code.
Click on the Terminal tab.
Write the command to check Node is installed on the machine or not.
node -v
Step 4:
Write the following command on the Terminal to install the latest version of npm.
npm install -g npm
Step 5:
Now run the below command to create the React App.
npx create-react-app react-app
Now your app is created on the specific path.
Run the following command to go to the react-app path.
cd react-app
Now run the following command to start the react-app.
yarn start
Your app is open in the browser as Shown.
The app was not created with capital letters.
If the error occurs please install the yarn on the computer to overcome the error.
If you have any questions and queries. Feel free to ask. Your feedback is also highly appreciable.
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