Create Custom Filter in d365 through x++

For creating a custom filter in d365 like this shown below, you must follow the following steps:

Ø   Create an Enum of your status like below.

Ø  Create the field of status in your table and apply Enum to your status field.

Ø  Declare the variable of Query Filter at the start of the form.


QueryFilter queryFilter;


Ø  Create the init and execute query method on the data source of the form like below;


        public void init()



            queryFilter = TABLE_ds.query().addQueryFilter(TABLE_ds.queryBuildDataSource(),"Status");



        public void executeQuery()







Ø  Now create the combo box field and add the enum value to the combo box like below;


Ø  Now create the method modified on the combo box field like below ;



    class AllCreatedClearedField


        public boolean modified()


            boolean ret;


            ret = super();


                queryFilter = TABLE_ds.query().addQueryFilter(TABLE_ds.queryBuildDataSource(),"Status");



            return ret;




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