Deployment of CPOS package on the VM in D365

 If you want to run the CPOS on the VM, then follow the following steps;

  • First download the latest package from LCS save the package in a folder and unzip the package.
  • After unzipping the package go to the path “J:\CPOS Package\\RetailCloudPOS\Code” and copy the folder “Extensions” and paste this folder to the (path “K:\RetailCloudPos\WebRoot”). (You can skip this project if the Extension folder is already present)
  • Go to the path “J:\CPOS Package\RetailServer\Code\bin\ext” and copy all the files except the “CommerceRuntime.ext.config” and paste these files into the Retail server folder (path “K:\RetailServer\WebRoot\bin\Ext”).
  •   Go to the path “J:\CPOS Package\RetailServer\Code\bin\ext”  and open the file “CommerceRuntime.ext.config” in Notepad++ after opening the file copy all the lines present in the composition tag (<composition>).
  • After copying the lines go to the path “K:\RetailServer\WebRoot\bin\Ext” and open the file “CommerceRuntime.ext.config” After opening the file paste all the lines in the composition tag (<composition>) and save.
  • Go to the path “J:\CPOS Package\RetailServer\Code” and open the file “web.config” in Notepad++ after opening the file copy all the lines present in the extension composition tag (<extensionComposition>).
  • After copying the lines go to the path “K:\RetailServer\WebRoot” and open the file “web.config” After opening the file paste all the lines in the extension composition tag (<extensionComposition>) and save.
  •  Go to the path “J:\CPOS Package\RetailServer\Data\Upgrade\Custom” and copy all the SQL files/scripts.


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